Who is Pelican Pete?
The world's largest pelican, Pelican Pete, stands at the base of the Mill Pond dam in downtown Pelican Rapids, MN. He measures 15 1/2 feet tall and with the river water rapidly rushing over the dam, it makes him seem even taller. Pelican Pete celebrated his 60th birthday in August, 2017. He is currently scheduled for a facelift and a move with the upcoming removal of the Pelican River Dam. Upon completion of the project, Pelican Pete will roost over the newly installed rock rapids through downtown.
It's a deliberate death trap. The fish tumble over the dam, disoriented, see the Mother of All Pelicans eyeing them, and get hooked by a ten year old.
Nearby the Pelican, there are some odd artifacts from a previous civic celebration: a 9-ft. tall rusting replica of the Seattle Space Needle, a halfhearted attempt at a windmill, and a steel suspension footbridge that looks like a full-size bridge.
Update - August 2007: "Pelican Pete," the world's largest pelican, celebrated its 50th birthday on August 18, 2007.
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